Women helping Women

Women's Issues Counseling


Welcome to our Women’s Issues Counseling Service at Self Care Impact. Beginning your journey in women’s counseling can be a transformative step toward personal growth and emotional resilience. It’s completely normal to feel uncertain about what you want or need from therapy. Many women come to us without a clear direction, only to find that through our counseling, they gain profound insights into their desires and objectives.


Empowering Your Path to Personal Growth

At Self Care Impact, we provide a supportive and nurturing environment where you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without judgment. Our skilled therapists utilize a range of therapeutic techniques tailored to your unique situation, helping you navigate through life’s complexities. Whether you’re dealing with specific women’s issues, looking to enhance your relationships, or seeking personal development, we are here to guide you towards a clearer, more fulfilling path.

By choosing to start your counseling journey with us, you’re taking a vital step towards embracing your true self and achieving well-being. We are dedicated to empowering you through each phase of your journey, ensuring that every step you take is towards a life filled with purpose and joy.

womens issues counseling

Beginning Your Journey in Women’s Counseling

Feeling uncertain about what you want or need from therapy is entirely normal. Many women enter counseling without a clear understanding of their own expectations or objectives. At Self Care Impact, we emphasize that you don’t need all the answers to begin your journey towards healing and self-discovery. Our experienced therapists are skilled in helping you articulate and refine your desires and goals, even when they seem vague or undefined at first.

Our counseling process is designed to provide direction and support when you feel lost or overwhelmed. We utilize a variety of therapeutic techniques to help you explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment. By engaging in this explorative process, you can uncover deeper insights into what drives your feelings and decisions.

The objective perspective of our counselors often serves as a compass, guiding you towards a clearer and more fulfilling path. They are trained to listen without judgment, offering feedback that helps you understand yourself and your situations better. This guidance can be especially beneficial when dealing with complex emotions or challenging life transitions, providing a steady presence that helps you navigate through confusion to clarity.

Through collaborative discussions, reflective exercises, and personalized therapeutic interventions, our therapists assist you in developing strategies that align with your personal values and aspirations. Whether you’re dealing with specific women’s issues, seeking to improve your relationships, or looking to foster personal growth, our approach is tailored to meet you where you are in your life’s journey.

By starting your counseling journey with us, you take a significant step towards empowering yourself, enhancing your well-being, and living a life that feels truly authentic and fulfilling.

We Understand Common Women’s Issues

Throughout their lives, women may face a variety of challenges. While each woman’s experience is unique, certain issues are widely prevalent:

Depression in Women – More than just feeling sad, depression is a chronic condition that can affect women for a specific period or throughout their lives. This issue impacts both mental and physical health, with symptoms that may include persistent sadness, hopelessness, lack of motivation, sleep disturbances, social withdrawal, irritability, and in severe cases, suicidal thoughts.

Anxiety Disorders – Anxiety can range from common worries to debilitating disorders that make daily tasks overwhelming. Women suffering from anxiety disorders might experience obsessive thoughts, constant nervousness, racing heart, difficulty breathing, sleep issues, and rumination about past traumatic events.

Eating Disorders – Commonly thought of as anorexia and bulimia, eating disorders also include binge eating disorder and orthorexia. These disorders often stem from deep-rooted issues related to self-worth and can lead to depression, social isolation, anxiety around eating, and obsessive thoughts about food.

Postpartum Depression – This type of clinical depression occurs after childbirth and can range from mild sadness to severe postpartum psychosis. Symptoms often include loss of appetite, low energy and motivation, irritability, anxiety, difficulty bonding with the baby, and sleeplessness.

Bipolar Disorder – Characterized by extreme mood swings, bipolar disorder can range from mania to depression. Those affected may experience frequent mood cycles, with some experiencing rapid cycling daily.

Borderline Personality Disorder – This condition is marked by intense emotional turmoil and instability, which can disrupt a person’s life and relationships. Common symptoms include feelings of paranoia, reckless behavior, depression, suicidal thoughts, and intense episodes of anger.

Domestic Violence – A critical issue, domestic violence can be emotional, physical, verbal, or psychological. It often manifests through behaviors such as name-calling, stalking, physical violence, humiliation, and manipulation, leaving victims feeling worthless, depressed, and anxious.

Sexual Abuse – Women are disproportionately affected by sexual abuse, which can range from harassment to rape. Victims often experience profound trauma, depression, anxiety, PTSD, difficulty in relationships, and feelings of unsafety in sexual situations.

Gender Discrimination – Despite advancements, women still face discrimination in various forms such as unequal pay, sexual harassment, and derogatory comments. This ongoing gender discrimination can lead to feelings of oppression, hopelessness, and mental distress.

Hormonal Changes – Significant hormonal phases like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can cause profound physical and emotional changes, making women prone to mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

Infertility – Struggling with infertility can be an emotionally devastating experience for women, often accompanied by depression, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and resentment.

Low Self-Esteem – Rooted in factors like childhood experiences, abusive relationships, or bullying, low self-esteem can lead to negative thoughts, feelings of insecurity, and attraction to harmful relationships.

At Self Care Impact, we address these and other specific women’s counseling needs, providing support and strategies to manage and overcome these challenges. Our experienced therapists are here to help you navigate these complexities with compassion and personalized care.

What to Look for in a Women’s Therapist

The journey towards healing begins with recognizing you’re not alone. There are numerous options available, including counselors in cities nationwide, medical doctors, and online therapists, all equipped to help women overcome mental, physical, or emotional challenges. Taking the step to seek therapy is a commendable action, one that should be approached with pride and a sense of empowerment.

When searching for a therapist, the rapport and comfort you feel with them is paramount. It’s crucial to establish a relationship based on trust and openness. While some women may have a preference for a female therapist, expertise in women’s issues is not exclusive to female professionals. Consider making initial appointments with several therapists to find the best personal fit.

Here are a few key factors to consider when looking for a therapist:

  • Gender Preference: Determine if having a therapist of a specific gender is significant for your comfort and treatment success.
  • Specialization: Look for a therapist whose area of expertise aligns with your specific needs, whether it’s eating disorders, sexual abuse, depression, anxiety, or other women’s issues. Specialized knowledge can significantly enhance the effectiveness of therapy.
  • Financial Considerations: Assess the cost, whether the therapist accepts your insurance, and if there are options for sliding-scale fees if insurance is not an option.
  • Location and Accessibility: Consider the convenience of the therapist’s location and their availability to fit your schedule. Also, check if they offer teletherapy options, which can provide flexibility and ease of access.

Choosing the right therapist involves finding someone whose qualifications, personality, and therapeutic approach resonate with your personal healing journey. It’s advisable to interview potential therapists about their experience with women’s issues and discuss any concerns you may have upfront. This ensures a supportive and productive therapeutic relationship.

Our counselors

Why Choose Self Care Impact?

Our therapists bring warmth, support, and extensive experience in women’s issues counseling. Many of us have navigated personal journeys through parenting, career management, and other life challenges. We value diversity, learning from each client’s unique experiences, and build trust rapidly. Our practice combines professionalism with a personal touch, often infusing humor and insight into our sessions.

At Self Care Impact, we are dedicated to accompanying women on their journey toward healing and fulfillment, celebrating the resilience and strength of the human spirit along the way.

Women’s Issues Counseling in Lakewood & Longmont

Our experienced Women’s Issues counselors are here to help.  If you’re ready to contact a therapist, we invite you to contact us at 720-551-4553 for a free 20-minute phone consultation.  You can schedule your appointment via email, phone, or the scheduling system on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!

Helpful Reading

anxiety at work
Self Care Impact

Anxiety Symptoms in Women

If you often find yourself sweating, breathing heavily, or feeling as though something terrible is about to happen for no apparent reason, you are not

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