How Do I Know if I Need Sex Therapy?

If you’re experiencing sexual difficulties that are causing you distress or affecting your quality of life, you may benefit from sex therapy.

What is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals or couples overcome sexual problems and improve their sexual function and satisfaction. It involves working with a trained and licensed therapist who specializes in addressing sexual issues.

The goal of sex therapy is to help individuals or couples explore their sexual concerns and develop effective strategies for addressing them. This may involve discussing issues related to sexual desire, arousal, performance, or satisfaction. Sex therapy may also involve exploring issues related to sexual trauma, sexual orientation, gender identity, or relationship dynamics.

During sex therapy, the therapist may use a variety of techniques to help clients overcome their sexual concerns. These techniques may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, sex education, and communication skills training. In some cases, the therapist may also recommend medical or behavioral interventions, such as medication or sex exercises, to address specific sexual concerns.

How Do I know if I need Sex Therapy?

If you are experiencing sexual problems that are causing distress or affecting your quality of life, you may benefit from sex therapy. Some signs that you may need sex therapy include:

  1. Lack of interest in sex or low sexual desire
  2. Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (for men) or difficulty reaching orgasm (for women or men)
  3. Pain or discomfort during sex
  4. Inability to enjoy sexual activity or lack of sexual satisfaction
  5. Relationship problems related to sex, such as communication issues or lack of intimacy
  6. Trauma or negative experiences related to sex, such as sexual abuse or assault
  7. Issues related to sexual orientation or gender identity

What does a Sex Therapist do?

Sex therapists treat psychological causes of sexual dysfunction and life and relationship issues related to sex. They provide support, nonjudgmental assistance and a safe environment for their clients. An important point – Sex therapists do not treat physical causes of sexual dysfunction such as low testosterone levels.  You need to see a Medical Doctor for that

Sex therapists treat a range of sexual dysfunctions, including those that have psychological causes or impacts. Sex therapists can also help with life and relationship issues related to sex. They do this in a supportive, nonjudgmental environment.

How Does Sex Therapy Work?

Sex therapy typically involves meeting with a trained and licensed sex therapist for a series of sessions. During these sessions, the therapist will work with the individual or couple to explore their sexual concerns and develop strategies to address them.

The specific approach used in sex therapy will depend on the individual or couple’s needs and concerns. Some common techniques used in sex therapy include:

  1. Education: The therapist may provide education about sexual anatomy, sexual response, and common sexual problems. This can help individuals and couples better understand their sexual concerns and develop effective strategies to address them.
  2. Communication skills training: The therapist may help individuals and couples improve their communication skills to better express their needs, desires, and concerns related to sex. This can help improve sexual satisfaction and reduce sexual anxiety.
  3. Behavioral techniques: The therapist may recommend behavioral techniques, such as sensate focus exercises, to help individuals and couples overcome sexual difficulties. These exercises involve gradually increasing sexual intimacy over time, focusing on pleasure and relaxation rather than performance.
  4. Cognitive-behavioral therapy: The therapist may use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to help individuals and couples identify and change negative thought patterns or behaviors related to sex. This can help reduce sexual anxiety and improve sexual function.

What Happens During a Sex Therapy Session?

During a sex therapy session, the therapist will typically begin by asking the individual or couple about their sexual concerns and goals for therapy. Your therapist may ask you questions about your:

  • Health and sexual background.
  • Sexual Practices
  • Beliefs about sex.
  • Specific sexual concerns.
  • Any other relevant information that can help them understand the individual or couple’s concerns.

The therapist will then work with the individual or couple to develop a personalized treatment plan based on their specific needs and concerns. This may involve discussing sexual anatomy and function, exploring sexual values and attitudes, and developing strategies for addressing sexual problems.

The therapist may also use a variety of techniques to help the individual or couple overcome their sexual concerns. For example, the therapist may use behavioral exercises, such as sensate focus or communication skills training, to help the individual or couple develop new ways of approaching sexual activity.

Throughout the session, the therapist will provide support and guidance as the individual or couple works through their sexual concerns. The therapist may also assign homework exercises to be completed outside of therapy sessions to help the individual or couple practice new skills and techniques.

It’s important to note that sex therapy is a confidential and non-judgmental space. The therapist is there to support and guide the individual or couple as they work through their sexual concerns, and to provide a safe and supportive environment for exploration and growth.

Will it be Awkward?

Sex therapists are trained to create a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals and couples to explore their sexual concerns. Here are some ways that sex therapists can make you feel more comfortable:

  1. Confidentiality: Sex therapists are bound by ethical guidelines to maintain strict confidentiality regarding your sexual concerns. This means that you can feel free to discuss your concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions.

  2. Empathy and understanding: Sex therapists are trained to be empathetic and non-judgmental towards individuals and couples with diverse sexual backgrounds and orientations. They will listen carefully to your concerns and provide support and guidance as you work through them.

  3. Respect for boundaries: Sex therapists will always respect your boundaries and comfort level. They will not pressure you to disclose more than you feel comfortable sharing or to engage in any sexual activities or exercises that you are not comfortable with.
  4. Education and normalization: Sex therapists can provide education about sexual anatomy, sexual response, and common sexual concerns. They can help you understand that many people experience sexual difficulties at some point in their lives, and that these difficulties can often be addressed with therapy.
  5. Personalized approach: Sex therapists understand that every individual and couple’s sexual concerns are unique. They will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns.
  6. Therapy sessions don’t involve any physical contact or sexual activity. If any aspect of therapy seems inappropriate, you should tell your therapist and/or stop seeing them.

The Bottom Line – We Can Help you in the Denver Area

Sexual Problems can be challenging to deal with.  We’re here to help you in the Denver Area.  We invite you to call us at 720-551-4553 for a free 20-minute phone consultation with a sex therapy specialist.  Click here learn more about our Therapy Services