Parent Coaching: Become The Parent Your Kids Need

Parenthood is a journey. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating. It’s a journey of learning — for you and your children. You can prepare in advance but, as you know, things are rarely as you expect. The first important step is to accept that this is not unusual. You have nothing to be asked of when you struggle. The key is to seek support, guidance, and help.

That’s where parent coaching comes in. These sessions can be one-on-one, as a couple, or as a family. What matters most is how much you can learn. Parent coaching is a golden opportunity to become a better parent and a better person.

Did You Say Parent Coaching?

It may sound offbeat but it’s actually a popular and growing discipline. Your sessions could take place in person or via video chat or phone. Either way, your parent coach will customize their approach to cater to your specific needs. It may be performed by a therapist but it’s different from therapy. It’s more targeted and briefer. Parent coaching is not about finding a diagnosis. Rather, you’ll be armed with new tools and skills and valuable education.

Parent coaching teaches you the strategies you need when you feel lost. No one can blame you if you sometimes hark back to your pre-parenting days. Your coach will assist you in rediscovering the balance required to walk a fine line. Yes, you can be a skilled parent without losing your individual identity.

How Do I Know If I Need a Parent Coach?

  • The same struggles have turned into a never-ending tug-of-war with your child
  • You’ve reached out for help elsewhere but nothing seems to work
  • All the books and videos aren’t enough
  • You feel confused and invalidated
  • Your partner is feeling in a similar way
  • You don’t want to do things the way your own parents did

Most of all, you feel motivated. You are fully ready to change and grow. This evolution is not just for yourself. It’s a commitment to your entire family.

What Issues Can Parent Coaching Help you Address?

Obviously, it is designed to deal with all of the concerns listed in the above section. In addition, depending on your unique situation, parent coaching can help with:

  • Inappropriate Behavior: temper tantrums, whining, not listening, back talk, sibling rivalries, etc.
  • Parental Stress: anxiety, guilt, self-doubt, or simply being a brand new parent
  • Parental Conflict: getting you and your partner onto the same wavelength
  • Digital Life: screen time, internet pornography, and other device-related issues

Also, there are a wide variety of special needs and situations that can challenge any parent, e.g.

  • A child with a disability
  • Transitions like marriage, death of a loved one, relocation, new school, and so on
  • Your child has an eating disorder
  • Substance abuse
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Trauma
  • Domestic violence

Most of all, a skilled parent coach will use the brief round of sessions to set you up to handle life’s surprises. You’ll have new resiliency and new resources. All this adds up to new confidence.

Getting Started With Parent Coaching in the Denver Area

As your parent coach, it is not my place to tell you what’s the “right” way for you. Instead, we will work together to foster a stronger family dynamic. That puts you in the best position to adapt and thrive.

Whether you’re a blended family, single parent, are fostering, or are considering adoption, Parenting Coaching can help you grow. At Self Care Impact Counseling, we believe in applying a positive mindset to parent coaching that helps you focus on what you can do right rather than what you may be doing wrong.  We invite you to call us at 720-551-4553 for a free 20-minute phone consultation. You can schedule your appointment via phone, email, or the contact page on our website

Self Care Impact Counseling envisions a new age of counseling for adolescents, adults, couples & groups that makes a REAL difference with core values of GROWTH | BALANCE | COMPASSION | INNER HARMONY.